Our dairy sheep are a three way cross between East Friesian from Germany, Lacaune from
France, and British Milk Sheep from Great Britain. Our sheep are bred to be very prolific in
lambs and high in milk production. For example, our 2017 lambing included 12 sets of triplets.
We strive to allow our sheep to be sheep and do what they enjoy doing most; grazing, flocking,
romping, and resting in the shade.
Our Sheep Milk
Whole sheep milk is superior to cow and goat milk.
Sheep milk typically has almost three times more protein than cow or goat milk
Sheep milk protein is complete because it has all 10 essential amino acids the body needs. Sheep milk contains twice the amino acid lysine compared to cow or goat milk.
Sheep milk contains 100% A2 protein.
Sheep milk has more flavorful fat but is made up of the good fats. Sheep milk has mono- and poly-unsaturated fats including Omega 3 & 6
Sheep milk is easier to digest. Sheep milk is higher in medium- & short-chain fatty acids. Medium chain fatty acids have little effect on cholesterol. The flavorful fats found in sheep milk burn off as fuel for the body and are therefore favored by endurance athletes and health conscious people.
The fat globules in sheep milk are smaller, easier to digest, and more quickly pass into the bloodstream.
Grass fed sheep milk contains high levels of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). CLA is an anti-toxin, fat reducing, milk fatty acid.
Sheep milk is higher in natural vitamins and minerals.
Sheep milk has more A, B, B1, B6, B12, C, E and calcium (also more magnesium, phosphorous and zinc, which help combat allergies and eczema)